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Sneh Victoria Schnabel

Sneh Victoria Schnabel

Sneh Victoria Schnabel





Authentic Spirituality: Coming Home to Your Soul
Strengthening Your Connection to Self and Spirit

A workshop with Shepherd Hoodwin and Sneh
30. August – 1. September

This will be an open group for all interested in making a true and lasting connection to the world of our soul, helping uncover the deep story of who we really are.
During this time together, you will learn how to communicate and work with your team of guides, angels, and your soul, which will add an invaluable dimension to your life. This skill is available to anyone with an open mind and heart, and grows naturally with practice and instruction.
We will also provide the opportunity to better understand the unique beauty of your soul: What drives you, what obstacles you will encounter, and what makes you sing, dance, and love.

Through various exercises, guided meditations, Constellations work, and channeled information, we will help you access your own resources to learn how to get in contact with your soul and spirit helpers.
Topics will include:
• Making your connection with Spirit a part of your daily life
• Using that for getting support in your everyday decisions and to be of greater service to others and the world
• Living with a sense of your spiritual vastness and power, and the unity of all things
• Attuning to symbols and signs that arise in your life
• Developing the ability to communicate with any being

Shepherd has been channeling and teaching the Michael material since 1986. Together, he and Sneh have decades of experience in working with Spirit. They previously collaborated on four workshops constellating Michael charts, and a Zoom workshop called “Opening to Spirit.” The results have been revelatory.

We will lead this workshop using everything we have experienced and learned in our lives through our wounds and struggles, our joys and loves, and our many encounters with formidable and gifted teachers, and with many courageous seekers on the way to wholeness.

Shepherd lives in California, and is a channel who specializes in the fascinating Michael teachings about how we set up our lifetimes. He also does intuitive readings, mediumship, past-life regression, healing, counseling, and channeling coaching (teaching others to channel).
He has conducted workshops on the Michael teachings throughout the United States and Europe.

He is the author of Journey of Your Soul: A Channel Explores the Michael Teachings, the hilarious Enlightenment for Nitwits: The Complete Guide, and fourteen other books.

Testimonials for Shepherd’s workshops
• The way Shepherd explains things and addresses the audience is a teaching in itself.
The workshop gave me tools to handle the day-to-day and allows me a kindness towards myself I haven’t felt before, maybe because the bigger picture is clear.
Shepherd is a wonderful facilitator and teacher. His knowledge and understanding of the Michael teachings and his ability to relate to the level of understanding of the participants create opportunities for soul growth that resonate long after the workshops are over.
• Shepherd’s wise presence and loving and tender way of teaching was a precious gift for me. I had many important insights and experiences during and after the workshop.
We still feel touched. We have a kind of quietness on a different level that is full of joy and love.
• We very much enjoyed Shepherd’s wit, intelligent articulate delivery, and the enlightened information. I also got very positive responses from my friends who attended. A big, big thank you for the amazing weekend.

Workshop location: Freiburg
Language: English (without translation)
Cost: €430

Michael Charts
A Michael Chart is channeled information about your soul’s individuality. It contains information about the archetype of your soul – for example, the goal chosen for this lifetime. Having your Michael chart for this workshop will enhance your experience, but is not required. If you do not have one, you can order it from Shepherd. Please do so as early as possible.
The chart is not required for participation. We, however, highly recommend getting one. It has proven most helpful in getting to know what your true strength, is and where you easily block yourself.
If you had your overleaves channeled by another channel, please send them to Shepherd so that he can fill in his chart form with them. You might wish that Shepherd also channels your chart – especially if you are missing significant information included on his. Relate all previously channeled information; if you question anything, briefly say why.